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Microsoft Excel Essay

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Nowadays, students of all majors deal with essay writing during their college years since it is one of the ways to assess their critical thinking, writing, and research skills. Thus, even students of technological study programs have to write papers and essays to gain credits. In this guide, we collected a few tips on writing an essay on pivot table and Microsoft Excel program. Do not hesitate to share this post with your mates.

Benefits of Using Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Essay Templates

Automated calculations tool

The first and foremost thing that makes Microsoft Excel a stellar program for use is automated calculations. Now, you do not need to spend a lot of time counting all the figures on your own: the program can do it for you via Excel functions. All you need to do is to enter certain values and get the result. Also, you can create your own formulas here.

Microsoft Excel Essay Nowadays, students of all majors deal with essay writing during their college years since it is one of the ways to assess their critical thinking, writing, and research skills. Thus, even students of technological study programs have to write papers and essays to gain credits. Microsoft Excel can be an invaluable tool in which students can utilize when completing their scientific research. Ian Bridgewood (Modeling Chemical Reactions Using Microsoft Excel, 2001) explains this phenomenon when he describes the benefits of using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.

All data analysis tools in one place

Microsoft Excel has some of the best data analysis tools that you can make use of for free. Since collecting the data aims at further analysis, every essay writer wishes to have tools for pivot table-based data analysis. Microsoft Excel offers the following tools: dates grouping, adding timeline, ranking and running total column, and conditional formatting. All of them are available in pivot tables.

Easy printing of reports

Another feature that you will love is the ability to print reports instantly. While studying Microsoft Excel, you will notice that it is possible to choose margins, paper orientation, and page size for the perfect look of your report. This feature is also free of charge.

A substantial amount of free templates

Drive genius 2 3. Oftentimes, students who complete computer technology essay and reports claim that searching for free table samples and graph templates is too complicated. Thus, they need to spend their money on templates to make their homework look decent. Uplet 1 0 download free. Here is good news for you: Microsoft Excel provides a wide range of patterns for reports, trackers, and tables.

Various data transformations

Microsoft Excel Essay Examples

Do you need to work with extensive arrays of figures, transform them, and clean some of them to add the new? Then, Microsoft Excel is the perfect software for you. Here, you can collect, sort, clean, and paste back to the worksheet all data you need with its power query.

Online access and mobile app

Finally, one of the best Microsoft Excel features is the ability to use it online and on the go. Recently, Microsoft developed the web version of the software that is also available for smartphone and tablet use. All the major features are stored there as well: pivot tables, functions, etc. Now, every essay writer can use it everywhere in the world.

Tips on writing Microsoft Excel Essay

Now, let's take a look at the way an essay writer approaches assignments on Microsoft Excel. The following tips will help you to keep track of your homework and do not miss anything:

1. Comprehend your topic.

First of all, a student needs to understand the question that is asked. If the topic sounds too broad, you can narrow it down to the extent that makes your research possible and fruitful. Hence, do not be afraid to restate your topic to get to its core and then, draft it accordingly to your paper guidelines; Microsoft office 2016 16 16 0.

  • 2. Make a plan.

Microsoft Excel Free Download


Every prominent essay writer knows that planning is key to the successful completion of any home assignment. Therefore, do not hesitate to make a plan for your essay so that it could fit in your daily schedule and would not overwhelm you. If you fail to do that, you will need to ask for college paper help online;

  • 3. Shape your thesis.

Every prominent essay writer knows that planning is key to the successful completion of any home assignment. Therefore, do not hesitate to make a plan for your essay so that it could fit in your daily schedule and would not overwhelm you. If you fail to do that, you will need to ask for college paper help online;

  • 3. Shape your thesis.

Once the writing plan is done, start working on your thesis statement. Virtualdj 8 pro infinity v8 3 4459. Since it is a crucial part of any essay, you have to take your time to formulate it. Remember, a strong essay requires a strong thesis;

  • 4. Collect the evidence pieces.

Gathering sources to support your ideas is necessary for backing up your arguments. In case of the Microsoft Excel Essay, remember that all the data you use for illustrating your arguments needs to be supported by the screenshots from the software;

  • 5. Outline all essay parts.

We mean, create a detailed outline of your essay parts and all the major points you make there. You can draw mind maps or just take notes on the paper or your laptop screen - whatever is good for your comfort. These notes should be clear enough so that you could use while writing without the need to look up the information in other sources;

  • 6. Do not forget to edit and proofread.

The last thing that you should remember before submitting your final draft to your professor is editing and proofreading. This activity can save some points of your grade, so do not overlook it. Dedicate a day for checking your paper, look at it with a fresh eye, and you will notice all the errors you made easily.

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